Thanks to #fullbeardproductions we are making great progress!

This is our 4th major home studio project and we've been having a blast with the new set-up.  Let's just say it's a matter of "which closet feels right".



In-home recording is a multi layer process.  Like a baking a cake!  A TWENTY layer cake.




Years of songwriting to put together the best line up of music

Years of songwriting to put together the best line up of music

Yes that's the old Beringer working overtime again!  Almost 'hit the road' season. I should upgrade you say? #Blackstar #Marshall #Mesa #geargirls

Yes that's the old Beringer working overtime again!  Almost 'hit the road' season. I should upgrade you say? #Blackstar #Marshall #Mesa #geargirls

Everyone seems to be lying down on the job around here these days!  Is it the heat or the overtime!? #thebigspoon

Photo Jul 04, 4 44 31 PM.jpg

#workingholiday  Don't know why I find such pleasure in work these days.  Maybe because I CAN'T WAIT to share this new music with you!  Here I'm working on a studio update video that will release shortly as I'll be debuting my YouTube channel.  Yay!